Collection: Tightvac

Are you thinking about taking your dry legal herbs with you in the car or your luggage? As we all know, herbs can produce an immediately identifiable scent that some people might confuse.

Tightvac Storage FAQ

If you want to keep peoples noses away from your herbs, you’re going to need a vacuum-sealed container to limit any chance of smell escaping into the air. The TightVac container is the number one vacuum-sealed transportation system for your legal herbs.

This innovative system is entirely smell-proof, ensuring no trace of herbal scents escapes into your car or luggage. The TightVac is multipurpose, suitable for use with dry herbs and legal concentrates. It’s adaptable to all climates, performing perfectly in any temperature range and through fast temperature inversions.

TightVac has over 15-million sales globally, making it one of the most popular and trusted vacuum-sealed transportation systems available. TightVac has manufacturing partners in Taiwan, ensuring the highest quality with its products, with a money-back guarantee.

Take your favourite legal herbs on the road without the fear of someone identifying the scent. The TightVac is compact and discreet, taking the appearance of a cosmetics container. Pack it into your luggage, and it looks just like a can of deodorant.

The TightVac comes with NSF International certification from a globally recognized third-party organization. The TightVac is available in many different sizes with the most popular option is no bigger than a standard soda can, but it gives you plenty of room and enough space to carry up to an ounce of dried legal herbs with total confidence.

Fit the TightVac in your purse, backpack, the cubby hole in the car, or just keep it in your sock drawer at home. You’ll never have to worry about someone detecting the scent of your herbs while travelling, and that’s something every herbal enthusiast will appreciate.

Keep your medical and recreational herbs safe and fresh with a TightVac; order yours today.

TightVac are available in the following sizes;

0.06L - (5g herb capacity)*

0.12L - (10g herb capacity)*

0.29L - (20g herb capacity)*

0.57L - (45g herb capacity)*

1.3L - (100g herb capacity)*

2.35L - (150g herb capacity)*
